Save A Horse Read online

Page 4

  She rocked against his cock, and he groaned. “Please stop or I'm going to drag you to my bedroom, and it may not be pretty, satisfying though.”

  Ryley laughed and climbed off his lap. TC stood up and adjusted his jeans with a grimace. Damn his mate was full of passion and he was looking forward to making love to her as soon as he could.

  “If you don’t mind, I’m going to go upstairs and clean up. Like a randy colt, I was a bit too excited.” He left the room and could hear her laughing at him, he shook his head and laughed at his predicament. Ryley may not believe in mates, but she responded to him. It proved the connection was there, he would take his time and claim his mate when she was ready. With any luck it wouldn’t be too long.


  Damn, that was hot!

  Ryley fanned herself and plopped into her chair. She hoped he didn't think she was a slut and just threw herself at anyone, but he was so passionate, and she couldn't control her reaction to him.

  His hair with so many colors of brown and those soulful brown eyes full of pain and torment as he described what he saw and endured each day. She couldn't help but cry and want to offer something to ease his pain. She hadn't planned on it being her body instead a simple kiss. Chemistry shot that shit right out the window.

  He was so different than what she expected. She could see why others saw him as ornery and grouchy. This interview was going to be hard on her, but she had to remain objective and not fall for him, or his house any more than she already did. Oooh… that reminded her, she wanted to try out the tub. Would it be wrong to ask TC to show her how it worked? If he ended up in the tub with her, even better. Which brought her back to Kat, she had to call her back and dish the gossip.

  She ran up the stairs and slid to a stop next to her bed. Her phone flashed 5 missed calls and 8 text messages. Shit, Kat would kill her. She sat down on the bed and decided to read the texts first.

  Gerri: I hope you aren't mad at me, I knew TC was the one for you. I also knew you wouldn't go if I told you the truth. Keep an open mind, enjoy your time and forgive me for the deception. P.S. Enjoy your “ride.”

  Ryley knew Gerri couldn’t keep from matchmaking, she can’t be mad when she expected it. Besides TC is hot and amazing and she could gush all night. Nope she wasn’t infatuated at all.

  Kat: OMG! What is happening, I’m sorry I was busy and couldn't answer. Share what deets? What’s going on?

  Kat: You are ignoring me now! Come on, you are killing me!


  Kat: Please

  Kat: Now

  Kat: Pretty please with sugar on top?

  Kat: I promise to answer the next time you call or text. I'll be your bitch, just tell me what is going on…

  The last text came in a few minutes ago, so Ryley decided to reply before she called. Make her sweat a little bit.

  Ryley: Just a minute and I'll call you. SO much to tell you. So much has happened.

  According to Gerri, TC was her mate. That explained the instant pull of attraction, but did he want her as his mate? And did she want to be his? First instinct was a huge yes. He’s hot, he’s passionate, he’s a hard worker, and caring. So much good, he almost seemed too good to be true.

  With a groan, she fell back on the bed and dialed Kat’s number. Kat didn't bother with social niceties. “Tell me everything right now. What does he look like? Is he as cranky as Gerri said? Did he shift for you? Is he huge?”

  Ryley jumped in before Kat could come up with more questions. “He’s gorgeous, sweet, passionate, funny and—”

  “OMG, you have the hots for him! You horny bitch. Tell me everything,” Kat yelled into the phone.

  “Ok, cool your undies. Let me tell you about our initial meeting because you aren’t going to believe this. I got stuck under the bed, with my ass in the air.” Ryley waited, knowing the pause would drive Kat crazy. “That was the first thing he saw about me.” Ryley had to stop talking so Kat’s laughter could die down. “Yes, yes, it was quite embarrassing but he was kind enough to crawl under the bed and help me out.”

  Kat interrupted her “did you shake your ass at him? I would have played that shit up!”

  Ryley rolled her eyes, even though Kat couldn’t see her. “Well some of us have a sense of decorum. Anyways, we started chatting, and he was telling me about the ranch, his work, and holy shit, Kat, he is so passionate about it. One thing led to another, and I was on top of him in the kitchen on the floor. Oh, and Gerri said he’s my mate.” Ryley held her breath and waited for Kat’s reaction.

  “Whoa, that is intense and you whore, on the kitchen floor really! What was wrong with the table?” Ryley could barely understand the next part because Kat was laughing so hard. “When you come home, I want to hear how you got stuck under the bed!” Kat was still laughing at her. This was what a best friend did for you. Good thing Ryley knew how to play dirty.

  “Should I tell Graham you were asking about him? I’m sure he would love to see you again.” Ryley could hear Kat suck in her breath on the other end of the phone.

  “Nah, he's hot but not really my type. I might let Gerri fix me up. We shall see.”

  Ryley knew she was lying. Graham was her type, but if she wanted to deny it so be it. “I love you girl but there is a huge tub calling my name, and I'm going to soak before dinner.”

  Kat groaned into the phone. “I ‘m so jealous. I miss a tub. We need a new apartment with a big tub. Enjoy your soak. I love you.”

  Ryley hung up and walked over to her luggage to get some clothes and all her toiletries. She needed to unpack the rest, but there was time for that later.

  Just as she walked into the bathroom, she heard a knock on her door. “Come in.”

  Graham walked in. “Hey, I wanted to check on you and make sure everything went well earlier. Why are you blushing?”

  Ryley laughed and debated what to say. It went great, I jumped him and he had to clean up afterwards… Graham would have a field day with that information, plus she didn’t want to share it. That moment was special and she wanted to savor it... “I’m not saying anything. We’re fine, got along great and he agreed to give me an interview. Also, he offered to show me around and let me do a story on the ranch and your work. It went wonderful. I’m excited to help out. I do have one question.” Whew she was practically panting after that verbal word vomit. Ryley moaned, now he knows she was nervous and hiding something.

  Graham leaned against the wall. “Uh huh, I'll find out what really happened with him, and I had ulterior motives. TC deserves to be happy. I knew Gerri could help, she came up with the rest. You interviewing shifters was just the perfect excuse.”

  She shook her head at him and pointed at the door. “Get out. I’m going to take a bath and relax. That is a lot of subterfuge but thank you. By the way Kat said hello.”

  Ryley turned and walked into the bathroom and shut the door.


  TC walked out of his bathroom to see Graham sitting on his bed waiting for him. “Kinda early in the day for a shower. What happened?”

  He walked over and sat down next to Graham. “She’s my mate. Was that what you were hoping would happen when you had Gerri set this up?”

  TC glanced at Graham and saw he was smiling. “Of course, I was hoping this would work out between you. I only chatted with her a little but but she seems to be wonderful and I'm happy to take partial credit.”

  TC laughed at Grahams boast, “I was blindsided, but I'm happy she is here. Thank you for setting this up. The ranch needs it, we need it, and I need her.” Graham will never let it go, he's always going to take credit for their relationship. Yes, relationship, he isn't letting her go. Asking her to be his mate was just a formality in his opinion.

  Graham clapped him on the back. “I’m glad and pleased you aren’t mad at me. Now, tell me why you had to shower before dinner.”

  TC groaned, Graham was never going to let him live this down either, but it was too late to come up with
a convincing lie. “I was just trying to apologize for making her cry.”

  “Stop right there. What did you do that made her cry?” Graham was on his way out the door to check on Ryley again before TC could respond.

  “Wait, Graham!” TC let out a sigh of relief when Graham paused in the doorway. “I was telling her about the animals, and she was getting emotional. I was kneeling in front of her and… we kissed.” Graham had walked back to the bed while listening to TC explain. “Next, thing I know we are on the floor and I had to clean up. I swear man I was like a colt and couldn't control myself with her in my arms.” Graham was laughing so hard, TC had to wait to say anything else.

  “Are you done asshole? I have a serious question for you. She didn't seem too interested in mates when I asked her about them. What if she doesn't want to be my mate?” TC looked up at Graham. “Tell me what to do please?” TC knew they belonged together and didn’t want to accept a no from her, but he also knew he wouldn’t force her into anything.

  “All right man, let's take this slow and show her around. Let her get to know you and the ranch. You are a lovable guy. I mean, I love you.” Graham walked to the bedroom door again. “Start with feeding her, the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach they say.” Graham jumped into the hallway when he saw TC moving.

  TC got up to slam the door, but first, TC had to give Graham one parting shot. “That’s a man jackass. Now I'll tell Gerri who to fix you up with. You were sniffing the wrong pasture all these years apparently.” Graham could be such a jackass, the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, not a woman’s. But that did give him payback, he would have to give Gerri a call about Graham needing a mate... A male mate.

  Dinner was a good idea though, Ryley had been traveling most of the day, got stuck under a bed and then he’d mauled her. He had to go grocery shopping or at least send one of the ranch hands. Not expecting company, he didn't have anything in the house to offer for dinner though.

  Well, he could always show her the town and a bit of the area while they were out for dinner. Maybe she would love the town and people enough to stay with him. TC rushed to get dressed, then headed across the hall to Ryley’s room. He knocked and waited a minute.

  “Ryley?” He spoke through the door. “I wanted to see if you would go with me into town to get some dinner. We can talk and maybe start this interview process. I'll be downstairs when you are ready.”

  He headed downstairs, walked into the kitchen just to turn around and walk back to the living room and then back to the kitchen. A few hours in her presence and he was tied in knots. If she came down soon maybe, they could walk around the barns, and he could introduce her to some of the horses.

  Hopefully, Winter would like her as much as his inner stallion did. If she caught him standing at the base of the stairs she was going to think he was crazy. Would it be odd to ask her to go for a ride on him? And he didn't mean sexually. Hell, he didn't even know the proper etiquette when dating a human. Was it a no-no to have a mate ride your animal? His mind was all over the place, jumping from one thought to the next.

  He decided he didn't care, his stallion wanted her near him and so did TC. He finally heard her door open, and he stopped at the base of the stairs waiting to see her. He knew it looked like every teenage romantic movie, but he wanted to see her make an appearance.

  She didn't disappoint, she was beautiful standing at the top of the stairs. Her jeans fit her perfectly and left little to his imagination. This was going to be a great night. If he could keep his hands to himself, he may end up asking her to go for a ride and this time he meant sexually.


  Ryley heard TC through the bathroom door, but she really was enjoying soaking in the tub and didn't want to get out and be an adult. Pretend to be a mermaid who couldn't leave the water sounded like a better idea… but she also wanted to be a mare because there was a stallion that really got her humming.

  Yep, that sounded as weird in her head as she thought it would. Fine. The sexy as sin man downstairs needed for her to ride him. That sounded much better, well skanky but less creepy. Dinner sounded amazing though and getting out of the tub was worth it to spend more time with him.

  She rushed through drying off, her mind on what she should wear. Was this a date? Just a dinner interview? Combination of both? Ugh! Her nerves were killing her. Jeans were a safe bet, especially on a ranch.

  She tried on four shirts before just giving in and wearing a blue flowy top. It showed her breasts nicely and was a good color with her eyes. At least that is what Kat said all the time. Speaking of Kat, she always texted when she was thinking of her. She swore she was psychic, not psychotic but sometimes it was borderline.

  She grabbed her phone and walked out the door. Just before she started down the stairs, she realized what Kat was saying in the text.

  Kat: The magazine sent over another batch of letters. Some of these are quite disturbing, others are mildly amusing. Reading some of these… I'm glad the magazine is the contact, and they did not give our address out. Anyways I love you, go ride your stallion… AAALLL NIGHT LONG.

  Ryley didn't realize she had stopped in place until TC was in front of her. “Are you okay? You just froze here, so I was afraid you would take a step and fall.”

  She looked at him, and it dawned on her that she was teetering on the top step. “Oh shit! I didn’t realize I was so close to the edge. Thank you for checking on me. Kat texted about more letters,” she held up her phone, “the magazine delivered. She said this batch was extra special. Pervy, creepy and mildly amusing.” She leaned toward TC and brushed her chest against his “Are you taking me…. Out?”

  TC exhaled a ragged breath and turned around. “Let’s go, but follow me, I want you to be safe.” She watched his ass as he went down the stairs. Nope that was no hardship at all. “I thought we could walk around the barns and see some of the horses before I took you into town. Is that good with you?”

  Ryley laughed. “I’m a typical girl. I love horses and cannot wait to meet them. I grew up reading every book series that had a horse in it. I devoured every movie about riding! I had Black Beauty posters all across my bedroom. I freaking love horses and can’t wait to see them!” Oh shit, did he think she was a stalker now? He was a Stallion shifter, and here she was raving about them. He probably thought she was here just to see him shift. Damn it! “Well now that I sound like a creepy stalker, please show me the horses. I'm excited to see the animals you work with and learn more about what you do here.” There that sounded mature and professional, much better. Ryley looked at TC to see his reaction to her ramblings and was surprised to see a smile on his face. Maybe he wasn’t thinking about running from the stalker who is infatuated with horses.

  TC shook his head and walked out the door so she followed him out and down the porch steps. “Wow, you can see all the stars out here. This is amazing.” When she looked at TC, he was laughing. She had no idea what caused his reaction.

  She must have had a funny look on her face because all he said was, “I'll tell you later. I promise the barn is over here, so let me introduce you to Winter.”

  Officially sidetracked she hurried behind him to meet Winter. She remembered him as the gorgeous pure white horse that had been rearing up when she arrived earlier in the day. TC opened the barn door and waved her in, then walked up to the first stall.

  “This is Winter, he was one of the first I ever took in. He’s gentle so you can reach out. He won't hurt you, I promise.” TC stepped aside for her to approach Winter.

  “Hi, gorgeous, my name is Ryley. I know you can’t talk, but I need to introduce myself. It’s only proper.” Ryley could see TC shifting in place out of the corner of her eye. She hoped he wasn't upset she was talking to the horse, but there was something in Winter’s eyes. She had to show him the respect he deserved.


  Watching her croon to Winter and run her hands over his head and neck, made TC’s pants a bit tight. If she
wasn't careful, he was going to drag her into an empty stall and have that ride he desperately craved... He attempted to discreetly shift his cock into a more comfortable position. He could see her eyeing him with a slight smirk on her face, she knew he was uncomfortable, and she enjoyed it.

  TC moved behind her, leaned against her back and whispered into her ear. “He loves when you rub around his ears. Don’t tell him I gave away his secret though.” TC felt her body shudder, and lightly rubbed his bearded chin against her neck before leaning away from her. He heard her sharp inhalation and his stallion demanded he kiss her again. They both wanted to stake their claim, she was theirs.

  TC spun her around and leaned into her, trapping her against Winter’s stall door. “I'm going to kiss you. I need to kiss you again. We both need this, please let us.” She nodded and he didn't hesitate but ran his nose along her neck, across her cheek, and finally, he brought his lips to hers. The first kiss wasn't a fluke, there were sparks between them. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and he ran his hands down her hips around to her ass. His cock was nestled at the junction of her thighs and he couldn't help but press against her. With her moan of pleasure he lifted her up, so she wrapped her legs around him.

  The stall door behind her served as an anchor for both of them. He grinded against her and she pushed back. They kept kissing. She roamed her hands over his chest and under his shirt. The sensual haze broken by a phone ringing. TC pulled back from the kiss but kept her wrapped around his hips.

  “Can you answer your phone like this? I don’t want to put you down,” he panted, trying to catch his breath. “You feel too good in my arms.”

  She smiled at him and checked her phone. “It’s Kat. I need to answer and make sure everything is okay.” TC nodded and turned back to Winter to give her a bit of privacy she assumed.