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Save A Horse Page 2

  Ryley realized Kat was right and that was not what she wanted. She opened her mouth to tell Gerri again, no dating but Gerri responded first.

  Gerri winked at Kat. “You never know what will happen. I believe in fate. Now tell me, dear... Have you ever met a stallion?”

  It was Riley's turn to bounce around. “No! Can you help me find one, please? That would be so fantastic. I have so many questions.” Just like that, Ryley forgot her reservations and didn’t care if this was a set up. A horse shifter, holy crap she never expected to find one. Let alone one who would talk to her. So many shifters were all Me Man, You Woman, pounding chest etc. They weren’t interested in her interviews, just a quick fuck until they found their mate.

  Before Gerri could reply, their decadent desserts were delivered to the table and Kat squealed and dove in.

  “All in good time. You should ask TC your questions. I just have a few for you though.” Gerri paused to take a bite of her brownie and sighed in pleasure. “Can you ride? You know that song Save a horse, ride a cowboy? Well in this case, it's both. TC Donovan lives in Oklahoma on a ranch. He's pretty secluded and well… unfriendly.” Ryley gave Gerri the stink eye, no riding cowboys. She wasn’t listening apparently.

  Kat was done licking her plate clean and joined the conversation. “Oooo… is he Italian? You know like an Italian Stallion?” Ryley just looked down and waited. There was more, there was always more when it came to Kat. “Do you think he is hung like a horse too? Damn Ryley, I think I want to come with you.” There she was, the pervert herself. Ryley had no idea how she could be friends with someone so blatantly obvious about sex and pursuing men. Not that she was a prude by any means but she was wary and careful to not let her heart get attached.

  Gerri good-naturedly laughed. “I don’t know about him, but I can introduce you to an elephant shifter and yeah... he is.” Ryley laughed at the face Kat made. She was staring at Gerri with her mouth hanging open... Ryley just knew putting the two of them together was going to be an experience any smart man would avoid. The poor elephant shifter, Kat would be all up in his shit and Gerri would be dropping subtle hints about his size. She was afraid she was blushing just thinking about the conversations they’d have. She focused back on Gerri and what needed to be done still.

  “Thank you, Gerri. I guess I have travel plans to make.” Ryley paused to gather her thoughts “if TC is a bit ornery,” She sighed and glared at Kat as she continued. “Kat, I said ornery not horny, is he willing to be interviewed? Does he know I’m coming?” Ryley could see the tears streaming down Kat’s face. That girl needed to get her head out of the gutter. In her defense Ryley shouldn’t have used ornery around Kat. The girl had no filter and everything sounded smutty to her. How would she really know if TC was horny? Ryley shook her head at Kat.

  “He’s probably horny too, but yes ornery is a good word to describe him. Kat, you must stay here with me, I have some friends I think you would love to meet.” Gerri paused and smiled at Kat. “As for your questions, Ryley, I set everything up before we met. TC is expecting you. He has a spare room at his place for you to stay and will meet you at the airport. The only thing you have to do is fly out there.” Gerri took an envelope out of her bag and slid it across the table to Ryley. “This contains everything you need for your trip, including flight information. I really hope you enjoy the ride you’re about to take.” Well that sounded kind of foreboding. She means ride like adventure, right? Not ride like you’re going to get matched with your mate and deal.

  Ryley was afraid to ask and decided to let it go. She would take this trip one step at a time.

  She stared at Gerri. “How did you know I would agree? And why does that sound like a double meaning?” So, maybe she wouldn’t let it go.

  Gerri stood up and smiled down at the girls. “You will soon learn to trust my instincts. I have never been wrong. Before I go, first remember he’s a stallion, but acts like an ass. Kat, I’ll be in touch with you soon. Ryley have a good time. I’ll have more interviews for you when you get back.”

  Ryley watched as Gerri waved bye and walked out. “That is one strange lady, but I like her.” Ryley glanced at Kat. “Glad to see you got yourself under control. What do you think about all this? Why would she set up all my travel arrangements? This all seems so peculiar.”

  Ryley didn't know why she trusted Gerri, but she did, the reviews online and the articles she read helped, but to blindly trust her...

  “What’s not to like? She has a dirty mind, she's kind, and you couldn't find one negative thing about her online. Take the risk. I’ll drive you to the airport, so you don't have to leave your car in long-term parking.” Kat stood up and waited on Ryley to do the same. “Let’s head home so you can pack. When do you leave by the way?”

  Ryley shrugged and opened the envelope to see what her travels plans were. “It appears I leave in two days and on a private plane no less. I guess it’s good I didn’t need much notice.” Ryley’s stomach started churning, she wasn’t sure if it was nerves, excitement or a combination of too many feelings to decipher.


  “Come on, Ryley, you’re going to miss the flight if you don’t get your ass out this door right now!” Ryley was usually the one who was prompt and ready to go well before the planned time. This trip though nothing seemed to go as she expected. Kat being ready before her was a big red flag.

  “Stop shouting, Kat. I’m right here. Let’s go.” Ryley shooed her hands at Kat and got a growl in response. She laughed at Kat and rushed out their apartment door. Some things were predictable and Kat’s reactions were one of them.

  “Knock it off, you know I'm coming with you to the gate. I love watching planes take off, and I want to see if I can get a look inside a private plane. This might be a once in a lifetime opportunity. And don't roll your eyes at me.”

  Ryley was in mid-eye roll and started laughing. She was excited and nervous about this trip. Meeting new shifters was always interesting, even if Gerri said TC could be cranky. Why did he agree to this? She was so lost in thought she hadn't realized they arrived at the private airport already. Whoa, this was not what she expected. Ahead of her was a gate with one of those arms that just lifted up, like at a railroad crossing. Next to it was a guard booth and chain link fence as far as she could see in either direction.

  “Kat Townsend and Ryley Stewart.” Ryley looked over to see Kat talking with the guard that was sitting in the booth. He looked down at his clipboard and just stepped back and motioned them forward.

  “Well, he is a man of few words,” Kat mumbled. She pulled through the gate when the arm lifted far enough and headed towards the only plane sitting on the tarmac.

  Ryley couldn’t reply because she was too busy gaping at the airplane in front of them. It was a safe assumption it was the one she needed. Kat pulled up and parked the car, and they both just stared.

  “Come on, we need to get my luggage and see if we can get you that tour you’re wetting your panties over.” Kat sputtered at her. “I'm not wetting my panties over the tour, but the pilot might be another story. Do you see him?”

  Ryley glanced over her shoulder as she got out of the car and walked around to the trunk. “Come on, pop the trunk please.” Kat was still sitting inside the car, what she was doing Ryley didn’t know.

  “Excuse me, can I give you a hand?” Ryley jumped and whirled around to see who she assumed was the pilot based on his clothing. His shirt read Pete and had an image of a horse rearing under it. If she looked close enough, she could read, Not everyone needs wings to fly.

  “Hi, I’m Ryley. Yes, I would love a hand. My friend doesn’t seem capable of getting out of the car.” Ryley said that a bit louder so Kat would hear her. Maybe she could embarrass her for a change. She smiled at Pete “should I be worried the pilot is wearing a shirt saying not everyone needs wings to fly?”

  He laughed. “Nah, I borrowed the shirt from one of the ranch hands. I spilled coffee on mine before I flew out here
to get you. My name is Graham. I’m the pilot and foreman of TC’s ranch.”

  Good to know, Graham fit him better than Pete anyways. He was good looking, no wonder Kat had been wetting her panties. But that was an eww thought so she brushed it aside.

  “Well, that does give me more confidence. Is it possible if I can drag my friend out of the car, to give her a tour? She really wants to see the inside of a private plane.”

  Graham leaned down and peaked in at Kat. “Hello, Ma’am. I would love to take you inside and give you a tour. Let me get these bags loaded first.” Graham grabbed both bags and turned, Kat ogling his ass the entire time, with her mouth rounding into a silent whistle of appreciation as he walked away. Ryley could imagine the tour she wanted and it wasn’t of the plane.

  “Girl, wipe your mouth. You look desperate!” Kat gave a sarcastic, ‘ha, ha,’ before asking, “Did you see his ass? I could bounce a quarter off that! Hell, I want to lick him and see if I can claim him. Did you see a ring? Please tell me that hunk of a man is single!”

  Ryley shushed Kat and dragged her toward the plane. This was going to be interesting. Kat either got super quiet or super brash around men she was attracted to.

  “Graham, this is my best friend Kat. Thank you again for showing her around. She has always wanted to join the mile high club. Oh, I forgot my phone. I’m going to run to the car. Be right back.”

  She ran to the car and hoped Kat didn't kill her later. After about ten minutes she figured it was enough time for them to chat and she headed back toward the plane. Kat was just walking down the steps as Ryley approached. Graham watched Kat from the top of the stairs. Ryley rushed forward to hug her friend and say bye. “Thank you for bringing me.”

  “Bitch, that was not funny at all. Of course, I was bringing you. I love you. Be safe and call me! I want to know how it goes.” Kat pulled away and walked to the car. “Try to get laid while you’re gone! You need to release some tension.”

  Ryley couldn't believe she yelled that across the tarmac. She deserved it after what she said to Graham in the plane but still! Kat could be so embarrassing. She just hoped no one heard her. She climbed the stairs and just waited. She didn't know if she should find a seat, talk to Graham, or what.

  “Graham? Do I sit anywhere I want?” From the cockpit, she could hear him reply, “Yes, but you are welcome to sit up here and see the sky from my perspective. Maybe I can tell you a little bit about TC and what to expect.”

  Well, that sounded ominous, she thought. Maybe Gerri wasn’t telling the absolute truth after all. Ryley made her way to the front of the plane and sat down in the other open chair.

  “Put these on so I can talk to you easily.” Graham held out a set of headphones.

  Ryley put them on and gave a thumbs up to Graham. “So, what can you tell me about the ranch?”

  “Ah, so you are going to skip the stuff you really want to know and start with an easy one? Okay, we can do that. The ranch is about fifty acres. Small in comparison to most but we love it there. We have domesticated horses of the non-shifter variety.” Graham gave her a small smile and stopped talking for a minute as he prepared to take off. A couple minutes later they were in the air and he continued like he never stopped talking.

  “As you can imagine TC has an affinity with horses. He sees them as his family regardless of his human side. They respond to him, and he takes in abused, abandoned and neglected horses. His connection allows them to be comfortable around him and eventually the rest of us that work the ranch.”

  This new information would make interviewing TC easier. She had some background and could work on formulating what to ask. Now to find out how the best way to do the interview

  “Wow, that’s amazing, and it makes me even more excited to meet him. My interview questions have tripled now. Gerri said he was ornery; can you tell me what to expect? I mean, why did he agree to this interview?” Ryley was stumped, the man sounded amazing. He had to be gentle to work with those type of animals. Yet he was described as ornery and unapproachable. It didn’t make sense.

  “Well, that is for TC to share, but I like you, so I'll be honest. He doesn't know you’re coming. I set this up with Gerri’s help. We’re taking in more animals every year, and while we have the room and the time, we want to help more. Your interview could help bring our work to the attention of rescue groups, vets and people from all over. So, the interview is as much for us as you.”

  Ryley sagged back in her seat. This was not the interview she expected. This was not going to go well, and she was going to ambush him and then say, ‘Please talk with me. Oh, and by the way, I’m staying at your place, hope you don’t mind.’ At least Graham didn’t go into this looking for a mate for TC, he just wanted help for the ranch.

  Graham looked over as she banged her head against the headrest.

  “Are you mumbling to yourself?”

  “Yes, I'm. I knew this was a bad idea. Why would I just take this woman's word and jump on a plane, with no car and no way to get home fast or safely? I'm insane. No offense to you.” Ryley groaned louder than necessary. But who approached who? Gerri had to come to Graham or the ranch and set this up. No way he knew about what she was doing and to approach Gerri right?

  “I promise if you need to leave, you call me, and I'll get you out of there right away. I’ll give you my cell phone number. Just call me and I’ll be there to help. You’re safe here, no one will harm you. TC isn’t a bad guy, he can be gruff, but he’s got a good heart. Give him a chance. We need this interview.”

  Ryley turned her head and glared at Graham. “Why do I feel like you are trying to use guilt to get me to go through with this? I'll continue since I gave my word but tell me how this came about? Who approached who etc.”

  Graham chuckled in response. “It won't be as bad as you think. Are you always a pessimist?” Ryley was ready to smack him for ignoring her questions and laughing at her.

  “Gerri called the ranch house and I happened to answer the phone. She explained about your quest and interviews with shifters. I realized quickly we could use this to our advantage and encouraged Gerri to send you to us. I honestly didn’t think about her being from a dating agency and the potential of a match until much later.” Ryley could see the excitement of getting the help they needed may have pushed the idea out of his head. Once he remembered though… he could have given TC a head’s up or mentioned to Gerri he was hiding it.

  “Get ready to land, we are here. I left my truck here, so I'll drive you out to the ranch and get you settled.” Ryley sat forward and looked around. She was shocked they got there so quickly. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts and the conversations she hadn’t realized how much time has passed. “Don’t worry this time of day TC is out in the fields with the horses. I'll explain what is going on before you meet him.”

  Oh yeah, you better be telling him everything before I meet him she thought. She banged her head against the seat again. She was regretting taking this assignment. Maybe she should give up her quest to meet shifters of all kinds. Who really needed to know them. Her purpose was gone anyways, her mom was happy and Ryley no longer spoke or checked on her. But maybe this would help someone else, that was her job to inform the people and that was what she was going to do.


  A few minutes later they landed, unloaded the luggage from the plane and Graham had her bags in the bed of the truck, he helped her into the cab then climbed in. Her head was spinning with how fast he got them out of the plane and into the truck.

  “Ready for an adventure? I promise you will never see a prettier sight than a field of horses with trust issues responding to a person again. I could tell you stories that would break your heart. Seeing how far they have come really is special.”

  Ryley was getting excited again. This would be an interesting trip, she would do her best to make it the best she could. If TC decided no interview, then at least she could say she met a horse shifter once and got to see some beautiful creat
ures. She was so lost in thought she didn't even pay attention to the view as they drove. It wasn't until he said they were nearing the gates that she realized they had arrived at the ranch.

  As they drove under the gate, she looked out to the fields to see a horse rearing up. She gasped and started smacking at Graham's arm blindly.

  “Did you see that? What a gorgeous sight. Can we stop and watch for a minute please?” At her request, Graham slowed down and pulled to the side of the road.

  “That is Winter, so named because he is pure white. When TC and Winter run together, it's quite a sight. Hopefully, TC will allow you to see it at least once. He’s private about his shifter side and doesn't like to flaunt it though.” He allowed her to watch a few more minutes before asking, “Are you ready to go to the house?”

  Ryley nodded and continued to stare out the window as he drove.

  Up ahead she could see the house. It was a two-story building with a long gorgeous wrap around porch. It would be heaven, she thought, if they had rocking chairs available. No sooner had the thought cross her mind and she saw them. They were exactly as she pictured and she couldn't wait to sit in one and listen to the crickets. Graham put the truck in park and turned off the vehicle. “Come on and I'll show you to your room and give you the tour on the way. You can freshen up, and I'll talk to TC. Then you two can meet and chat.”

  Ryley climbed out of the truck and walked to the back of the cab to grab her bags. “Are you sure it’s a good idea for me to stay in the house without TC’s permission?”

  Graham took the bag from her and tossed it over his shoulder. “Yes, he is a gentleman and won’t turn you away. Don’t forget my promise. I'm here if you need me.” Typical man, she could have carried one bag in the house.